Jute cultivation in Nepal, method and requirement 2021

jute cultivation area in map of nepal, jute cultivation area in nepal, jute cultivation and distribution, jute cultivation conditions, jute cultivation climate, jute cultivation countries, jute farming methods, jute cultivation in nepal all discussed here.

Jute comes under the Tiliaceae family and its scientific name is Corchorus spp. Fruits of the jute are called capsules, have the yellow color of the flower. Corchorus contains more than 40 species distributed in the tropical regions of the world.

Jute as a cash crop

Jute is a cash crop, and those crops are produced for commercial purposes than just for growing or eating. In the least developing and developing countries, cash crops are cultivated more. Because the demand for cash crops in developed countries is high and these countries can easily export these products. In other hand, the jute is a “ fiber crop”, Jute, popularly known as "Golden Fiber," and is a natural fiber.

The stem of the herbaceous annual plant ‘Corchorus' is used to make jute fiber, Fibers are produced from its secondary phloem. Jute is grown for the fibers which are used to make rope, paper, cloth, sac, etc. It is ranked 2nd in the fiber crop after the cotton and also comes 2nd in the cash crop after the sugarcane.

Jute cultivation area in Nepal

Nepal is the fifth-largest producer of raw jute in the world. In Nepal, Morang, Sunsari, Jhapa, Siraha, and Dhanusha are the major districts that cultivate jute in Nepal. The Jute Research Centre located in Itahari (Sunsari district). Morang district leads in raw jute output, followed by Sunsari, Jhapa, Saptari, Siraha, and Ilam, according to Statistical Information of Nepalese Agriculture, 2075/76.

Jute growing area in map of Nepal


jute cultivation area in Nepal
(source: Krisi diary, 2021)

Jute types

Generally, there are two types of jute found in Nepal.

1.    Corchorus capsularis

2.    Corchorus olitorius

The primary center of origin of C. capsularies is Indo-Burma or South-China or Nepal and C. olitorius is Africa and the secondary center may be India or Indo-Burma region(Kundu, 1951). Corchorus capsularis can be cultivated in both upland and lowland but Corchorus olitorius mostly cultivated in upland.

· Corchorus capsularis has dark green leaves but Corchorus olitorius has light green leaves.

·      Corchorus capsularis are shorter than the C. olitorius

·      Corchorus capsularis leaf is bitter in taste than the C. olitorius

·    Corchorus capsularis have Fibers is white in color but Corchorus olitorius have golden colour fiber

· Corchorus capsularis have Flowers that are small than the Corchorus olitorius

·  Corchorus capsularis have coarse fiber and called white jute but Corchorus olitorius have fine, soft, lustrous fiber and called Tossa jute

·    Corchorus capsularis have Fruits that are round in shape and seeds that are dark in color but Corchorus olitorius have elongated fruit and bluish-green color seeds.

 Recommended varieties of Nepal

1.    Ithari-1(White Jute)- C.capsularis

2.    Ithari-2 ( Sunaula Pat/ T-86)- C. olitorius


jute production in nepal
(Source: MOALD,2021)

What is the best season for cultivation of jute?

 Jute is a summer season crop for the time of sowing and different cultivation practices follow through the blog.

Climatic requirements:

1.    Temperature: The temperature for the growth and development of jute is 25 to 30 degree Celsius and during the vegetative phase temperature should never be lower than 16-18 degree Celcius. The warm and humid climate is favorable for jute production and plant cease their growth when the temperature is greater than 40 degree Celcius and less than 20 degree Celcius

2.    Light: they are short-day plants but the long photoperiod induces vegetative growth in jute. C. olitorious  is more responsive to the short photoperiod than the  c. capsularis.

3.    Moisture: moisture is very important for jute cultivation. Jute requires a minimum of 1000 mm/year rainfall. In tropics and subtopic area crop requires 1300-1800 mm rainfall per year so only under the irrigation jute can be cultivated in dry areas. C. capularies are tolerant to waterlogged conditions but the younger stages of jute plants are very sensitive to water stagnation. For better growth and fiber 60-90% humidity required.

4.    Soil: jute can be cultivated in all types of soil but loamy alluvial soils are most preferable. Jute requires 6-7.5 PH soil for better cultivation.

Agronomy of Jute production:

Field Preparation

Jute have very small tiny seed, so to germinate and the emergence of the seed. the soil must be fragile, loose, well-aerated, and very fine. Plowing and cross harrowing should be done 5-6 times before planting. In alkaline and acidic soil, we should apply lime or other things which can make the PH between 6- 7.5.

Seed treatment

Seed should be treated with the Agrosan GN Or cerasan, thirum, bevistin, vitavax, etc to save against the seed-borne pathogen, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms.

Sowing time 

The best sowing time for the capsularis is march to April and for olitorius is April to May. If olitorious is sown in early March, premature flowering occurs and which reduces both yield and quality of jute.


Seed rate, method of sowing

Variety of jute

Line sowing

Broad casting


6-8 kg/ha

10 kg /ha


4-5 kg/ha

6 kg/ha


jute retting
(image source:Click here)

Spacing and Thinning

Line sowing preferred over broadcasting causes it to yield more than that of broadcasting. Row to row spacing for capsularis is 30 cm and 20 cm for olitorius and continuous sowing. Sowing depth for the jute is 3-5 cm. 2 thinning required for the jute 1st when the plant attains 10 cm height and 2nd when plants attain 15 cm height.



FYM should incorporate 1 month prior to sowing in the amount of 10 T/ha. Jute is very related to nitrogen. N has the best response in terms of improving both vegetative growth and fiber output. Because N fertilizer is leached off during heavy rains, top-dress with ammonium sulfate as a source of N. After weeding and thinning, N is usually used as a topdressing.

 The capsularis require 60-80 kg N per ha and olitorius require 40-60 kg N per ha. Nitrogen should apply in split dose, ½ as basal, ¼ at DAS, and ¼ at 60 DAS.

Phosphorus aids in the prevention of lodging improves fiber quality and improves N usage efficiency. Excess N can degrade fiber quality, although the presence of P2O5 in the right ratio can help to reduce N content in fiber and preserve high quality and 20-40 kg P2O5/ha before or at the time of sowing. K requirement is high (40-60 kg K2O/ ha). K reduces the incidence of root rot and stem rot.

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